There are times in everyone’s life when a listening ear is needed. Uniquely the Church of England (and in Wales) has a parish priest who is there for any one in that parish. We are there for the happy times when someone wants to get married or there is a baby to be christened but we are also there for the sad times.
Regular Prayer Meeting:
We have a regular prayer meeting on Monday afternoons at 4pm at Wyesham. If you are interested in attending please contact Connie Morgan (01600 713723).
Prayers & Intercessions as part of our weekly services:
During our services we also pray for people and situations in our world.
Prayers for Ukraine
A statement by Archbishops (Justin Welby & Stephen Cottrell) “The horrific and unprovoked attach on Ukraine is an act of great evil. Placing our trust in Jesus Christ, the author of peace, we pray for an urgent ceasefire and a withdrawal of Russian forces. We call for a public decision to choose the way of peace and an international conference to secure long term agreements for stability and lasting peace“. Dated 24th February 2022.
There’s no question that all the news about the Ukraine can be difficult to read and absorb. This leaflet helps you engage with the situation and also protect your own mental health.